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Countryside Alliance to promote game with Pheasant Phest

Field sports enthusiasts and their families are being invited to celebrate the end of the pheasant season by taking part in the Countryside Alliance’s Pheasant Phest.

The event, supported by TV chef Mike Robinson, is asking people to make the game bird the centre piece on the menu when they are entertaining friends, dining with work colleagues or even barbecuing at home.

Jessica Garton, organiser of Pheasant Phest, said: “A £10 donation from each guest will ensure the Countryside Alliance raises valuable funds and hopefully you and your guests will have a lot of fun on the way! Needless to say, the bigger the party the more money you will raise.”

For more information and to obtain a Pheasant Phest pack with recipe ideas, guest invitations and more contact Jessica Garton at [email protected]