Advice Gun maintenance Guns

How do I dry out a shotgun? My gun got soaked!

What's the best, and quickest, way to dry out my Miroku, it's been thoroughly soaked a few times in all this rain! And how should I dry out a shotgun?

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent September 5, 2012

Mike George
Whatever you do in your quest for speed DON’T try to dry it out by placing the gun close to, or near, a radiator or fire because this could crack or warp the fore-end wood and stock.

Instead, remove the stock and fore-end and wipe them down with a wad of loo roll to remove the dampness before leaving them in a warmish room to dry naturally, and slowly.

All metal parts such as the action and barrels should be carefully wiped dry with loo roll, too, then popped into the airing cupboard for two or three hours to get rid of moisture in those hard-to-reach nooks and crannies.

The barrels should then be thoroughly cleaned and oiled and the action body and trigger mechanism given a light spray of oil.

Don’t soak the mechanism, a thin film of oil is all that’s required.

You will no doubt find that when the wood has eventually dried out the surface of the stock willl have a dull sheen to it which will disappear if you rub in a little stock oil.

A helpful reader recently recommended using a little leather balsam or bees wax to restore the lustre.

As always after a wet day in the field or down on the clay range you should always make a point of drying out every inch of you gun slip as well. If this isn?t done you can expect your gun to go rusty in double quick time!