Is there an SBS designed for clay shooting?

Mike George
The gun which immediately springs to mind is the Winchester Model 23, and although it has been out of production for some years now, there are still quite a few about on the second-hand market.
In its basic form it is appreciably heavier than the average sbs, but there was also a lightweight version.
The guns have high ribs, and at one time were the favourites among competitors in the side-by-side sections of major Sporting events.
Like modern O/Us, the guns have single triggers and pistol grip stocks. Good examples seem to sell at slightly higher prices than the Winchester O/Us of the period ? around £900.
The only other gun I can think of is the AYA Model 56, which is still in the AYA catalogue, and has the option of a high, ventilated rib.
Although I can?t find one currently for sale in the UK, I am sure that the importers, ASI of Snape (Tel 01728-688555) would be pleased to help if you really wanted one.