
Should I get my ferrets chipped and tattooed?

Their ears aren't really big enough to tattoo but a good working ferret is an asset and you should get yours chipped if you value it

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent November 26, 2013

Q: I read your really interesting article about dog thefts and the need to have them chipped and/or tattooed. Do you have your ferrets tattooed as well, or is it just not cost effective?

A: I’m not sure their ears would be big enough to tattoo, but there is nothing to stop you getting them chipped. Sadly this is becoming common procedure in some parts of the country where two-legged vermin make a habit of stealing ferrets.

A good working ferret is an asset and if you value yours then you should definitely get it chipped. You should also place as many interesting and inventive security measures as possible around your house and yard to give light fingered folk the run around.