
What’s the best way of getting the rust off a shotgun?

I have acquired an old gun as a restoration project, and the trigger guard is slightly rusty. What’s the best way of getting the rust off before I re-black it?

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent May 3, 2012

Mike George
It may just brush off, with a brass or bronze brush ? but do make sure the brush really is brass or bronze.

A ?brass? brush I bought from a DIY outlet recently turned out to be brass-plated steel.

Fortunately, I discovered this fact before I did any damage with it.

The trick is to test with a magnet.

Alternatively, a soak in a very mild acid usually does the trick ? vinegar, a citric acid solution, or even Coca Cola ? followed by mild brushing.

The longer you spend on surface preparation and de-greasing before re-blacking, the better the result will be.