Bill to ban hunting with dogs in Northern Ireland marches on

The public consultation on John Blair MLA’s Private Members’ Bill to ban hunting mammals with dogs has closed. Mr Blair will now draft a summary report using the responses from the consultation to demonstrate support for his Bill. The report will also highlight how public and stakeholder views have been incorporated into drafting the proposed legislation.
If passed, the Bill will also ban trail-hunting and effectively outlaw flushing with dogs for pest control.
Gary McCartney, director of Countryside Alliance Ireland, said: “John Blair’s persistent obsession with hunting demonstrates how out of touch he is with the real priorities of the people of Northern Ireland.
“While Mr Blair claims his latest proposal will not impact shooting interests, his call to ban terrier work — which plays a vital role in protecting gamebirds — shows a concerning lack of understanding about wildlife management practices.
“Northern Ireland needs balanced, informed policies that respect the realities of rural life, not ill-conceived laws that alienate responsible dog owners, shooting enthusiasts and conservationists. We shall continue to robustly oppose these proposals.”
Mr Blair’s last bill to ban hunting was voted down in December 2021.