Copper bullet usage survey launched as lead ban looms

As lead ammunition faces a potential three-year phase-out, the Scottish Gamekeepers Association (SGA) has launched a survey to gather more data on suitable alternatives.
Last December, the UK Health and Safety Executive published its position recommending that lead ammunition be phased out in the UK. The Government must now decide whether to fully implement the recommendations or make alternative provisions.
The survey was launched after the SGA became aware of concerns from the deer management sector regarding animal welfare issues associated with a full switch to copper ammunition.
Ayrshire-based stalker Chris Dalton told ST: “I welcome the survey looking at the use of copper ammunition at night by forestry contractors, as the move to end the use of lead ammunition for deer control looms.
“Shooting deer at night, with either thermal or IR scopes, is a totally different proposition with complex challenges than those faced stalking during the daylight. I have had many comments from Forestry and Land Scotland staff tasked with night shooting; almost all express disquiet at the move away from lead.”