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Countryside Alliance chief executive quits

The Countryside Alliance (CA) has announced that its chief executive, Alice Barnard, is to quit her role, only 14 months after her appointment.

Mrs Barnard, 34, who was previously the director of the organisation’s eastern region, will take up a new role as the chief executive of a leading education charity.

In a statement, she said: “My five years at the Alliance have been some of the best years of my life, and I would not leave the organisation if I didn’t feel that the opportunity that presented itself to me was one that I could not miss out on.”

“I am confident that the organisation will go from strength to strength, and I will continue to be a vocal supporter of the Alliance and its aims.”

The CA says it will be “kept on a firm footing” during Mrs Barnard’s period of notice, and that activities will continue as normal, “smoothing the transition to the new chief executive”.

The organisation’s chairman, Kate Hoey, said: “The whole board is very sorry to see Alice leave, and we wish her well in the exciting opportunity that she is taking up.”

“Under her leadership, the Countryside Alliance has been reinvigorated and resourced to continue to push the positive case for the countryside, and to fight its many threats.”

“Alice leaves the organisation in great shape to continue that fight with a growing membership, a growing strength and a growing conviction. The board wishes Alice every success with her future endeavours.”