Pros ‘spared torment’ of pregnant deer cull
The cull has been so successful in reducing numbers that there is no longer a need to extend the female season, says Scottish minister.

Deer managers say they have been spared the mental torment of shooting pregnant red deer at times when they are close to giving birth.
The Scottish government had proposed extending the open season on female deer for a further six weeks as part of measures to control deer numbers and protect wood and peatlands from overgrazing. But Agriculture Minister Jim Fairlie has now said the change will not be implemented.
The Scottish Gamekeepers Association (SGA), which opposed the proposal, said gamekeepers would have been “sickened” by the prospect of killing a heavily pregnant hind and its well-developed unborn calf. Responding to a question from Highlands and Islands SNP MSP Emma Roddick, Mr Fairlie said current levels of culling had reduced deer numbers without having to extend the female season.
Following the announcement on 28 January, the SGA welcomed the “common sense” decision by the minister, saying that having the buy-in of professionals would be essential to meet higher culls in future. The association added that culling up to 31 March would mean deer managers potentially having to shoot females that could be up to three-quarters of the way through their pregnancy.
SGA chairman Alex Hogg said: “We are really pleased at this announcement. We met with the minister, and others, and relayed our members’ fears over the proposal. Everyone we spoke to didn’t want to be in situations where culling heavily pregnant animals and removing large calves was to be normalised in Scotland.
“Deer managers have a difficult job to do and they are not uncaring people. They are humans with feelings and families, and they respect their quarry. Had this gone through, it would have demoralised them. That would have been counterproductive because these highly trained professionals are going to be needed more than ever if Scotland is to meet its nature and biodiversity goals.”
BASC’s Scotland director Peter Clark said: “BASC had significant concerns about the initial proposal to move the start of the female deer season to 1 October. An earlier female cull could have resulted in hinds being shot that still have dependent young, posing serious welfare implications.
“We are glad to see the minister has acknowledged the potential distress caused to many stalkers by being required routinely to shoot heavily pregnant female deer. This demonstrates an understanding of the practicalities of deer management and a willingness to listen to the views of those actively involved in conservation on the ground,” he added.