Spectre of bird flu still present, keepers warned

The Government has confirmed further cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza in a poultry flock on a farm in East Yorkshire.
Defra has said the H5N1 strain of the disease was detected in a 38,000 broiler breeder flock at a farm located near Nafferton. All poultry on the premises have been culled, with a 3km protection zone and 10km surveillance zone declared around the farm.
Due to other outbreaks over the festive period (News, 2 January), a mandatory housing order for poultry farmers and bird keepers was announced that covers East Yorkshire, the City of Hull, Lincolnshire, Norfolk and Suffolk. It means all bird keepers, commercial or domestic, must keep them housed.
Director of environment, policy and politics for the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation, Tim Weston, told ST: “Avian influenza is not new during the winter months and as such, strict and consistent biosecurity on game shoots is vital to protect both your stock and all bird life.
“This is even more important in areas where H5N1 is rife. The NGO has been continually updating our members on the latest outbreaks and advising them on how to counter any.”