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Is it worth plucking or drawing a pigeon ready for roasting?

Is there a quick way of getting a pigeon ‘oven ready’?

Peter Theobald
The only problem with just using the breasts of any bird, is that the meat tends to be quite dry if you cook it for any length of time.

Bearing in mind that the world record time to clean pluck a pigeon is only nine seconds, it should not take more than a couple of minutes to pluck and draw a bird, thus retaining any natural fat it may have!

If you cook pigeon breast on, say, a griddle or grill then they usually only need doing just three minutes per side – this way they should still be nicely pink in the middle.

As long as they are not overdone they will be tender and tasty, and will always have plenty of them – another reason why pigeon shooting is so great.