What are the upfront costs of owning a gundog puppy? What are the running costs (so to speak) and what hidden costs should you allow for. It’s impossible to assess these accurately because owning a dog always comes with an element of surprise.
But one rule you should definitely stick to is resisting a bargain gundog puppy. There’s no such thing as a gundog puppy going cheap, particularly if you’re looking for a part-trained, or even fully-trained gundog. Let the buyer beware. To help matters along we’ve talked to various trainers and breeders and compiled a list of rules that you should follow before becoming an owner.
There’s no such thing as a gundog puppy going cheap
Jeremy Hunt advises: “A gundog puppy sent away for basic training at eight-months old is the preferred option for some. Costs vary but good boarding kennels now charge at least £10 a day, so adding training fees on top means weekly bills could be £150 upwards. Some trainers only charge £100 a week but you pay your money and you take your choice – always make sure the training methods and standard of care are acceptable.
“I would want to see a fully-trained dog on a shoot day before committing to it. That may not always be possible but the horror stories are not in short supply on this topic, so proceed with caution. Again, it’s a case of making sure you’re buying from a reputable source.
“Fully-trained dogs are advertised from around £3,000 upwards – still a snip in my book if the dog is good enough. If it’s a bitch and you can have a litter at some stage, this could even repay your investment.”
You’ll need to build in the price of gundog insurance
The good, part-trained youngster is a real find. Some are totally genuine and ideal for those who don’t want the commitment of a baby pup. Others are being off-loaded because of a fault, or have been pushed-on hard by clever trainers – a situation that usually sees the wheels fall off the wobbly wagon as soon as the novice owner takes over.
If you want a part-trained dog you should consider ordering it well in advance. Some breeders would be prepared to run a gundog puppy on from a litter and sell it to you later once the training had reached whatever stage you required. If the dog is well-reared, well-trained and from a responsible breeder it won’t be cheap – but you only have to buy this dog once and all the preparation will have been done.