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Is one hopper for our pheasants enough?

IAN LINDSAY says: Obviously it depends on how many birds are being attracted to the crop but even on a small scale I would say one hopper is insufficient.

The ideal setup to attract, and hold, birds is a feeding station that comprises a low-level, covered, scratching area along with three or four feed hoppers and a drinker.

Pheasants love scratting about in straw and dust, so hand feed under the covered scratcher with maize, peas or beans to keep birds interested and entertained. By adding another two or three hoppers to the equation you will ensure all the birds can access the food.

What you don’t want is a dominant cock standing guard at the only available hopper thereby stopping other birds getting to the feed.

Fresh drinking water is hugely important, so unless you have a natural stream or other watercourse running alongside the crop, always supply a drinker. If you don’t, pheasants will wander off in search of their own refreshment after taking their fill of grain.

Got a question? Contact: [email protected] or Sporting Gun, PO Box 157, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 9FU