BASC council candidate – Simon Kibble
Shooting Times talks to BASC council candidate, Simon Kibble

Simon Kibble, aged 55, is a self-employed construction worker. He lives on the Nottingham/Derby border. He is standing for one of five contested seats in this year’s BASC council elections.
What is your shooting and conservation background?
I have been out and involved in the countryside, shooting and hunting since the age of seven. It was a spark that came naturally. The early forays were with a homemade catapult, then later with an air rifle and then a 4.10 shotgun. I worked ferrets and also did falconry, and then a lot of pigeon shooting, as well as trips to Scotland after geese. I also got into gameshooting, picking up on local shoots and field trialing. In more recent times my passion has been deer stalking, for which I am an approved witness and assessor.
When it comes to conservation, I been GWCT for 30 years and always mindful of the balance and benefits shooting brings to the country’s wildlife and landscape.
What will you do for BASC and for shooting?
To this end, I would be looking to encourage likeminded, interested individuals to take up and follow shooting/hunting in the manner that I have had the opportunity to do. I would hopefully see them get to enjoy the rewards, great friendships, and good healthy food as a result of shooting/hunting, as well as sharing experiences and memorable days out with their dogs. I should also like to see the creation of information/speakers to go into schools and colleges putting across the message of our hunting shooting heritage and legal persuits. I’d also like to see the creation of a road show vehicle for such events and others within the year such as smaller country shows.
What skills in your working life would you bring to BASC?
Key qualities such as hardwork, honesty, and upholding quality in whatever I do. I also stand prepared to question and challenge points of view on topics being discussed if necessary and see myself as confident communicator at all levels
How would you improve BASC?
Well there’s a difficult one as I think currently BASC does a good job. I would, however, have to set out to get feedback from the membership on key concerns of which I know personally of two matters relating to firearms. Also, as I mentioned previously, I have a thing about getting information to the younger generation, so perhaps a road show vehicle travelling the country and forming part of small village shows etc.
Finally, I’d push the Taste of Game benefits to our nation, maybe as part of a supermarket or motorway service car park road show.
What bad practices in shooting would you tackle?
Again this area has few, though I certainly feel that the respect for shot quarry close range and out of distance, and from the point of being shot through to end consumer needs to be improved.
Do you think support for all fieldsports is necessary for a member of BASC council?
I think our work should be shooting and conservation focused, with cooperative efforts with other fieldsports clearly taken on a benefits measure.
How would you encourage new people into the sport and new members to join BASC?
I would encourage current programmes, and hopefully something like the creation of a schools and colleges road show vehicle.
What’s your idea of a perfect shooting/sporting day?
This day would typically comprise a group of friends – dogs included – all of whom have a likeminded view to shoot some game and at the end of the day gather for a hearty meal and a beverage, and with all concerned taking home whatever was shot for themselves or others to enjoy eating.
What’s your favourite game dish?
Have to say its one of Theresa’s home made pigeon pies.
The 12 candidates standing for the five contested BASC council places are as follows:
In the Northern Irish and Welsh council seats, for which there will be no ballot, the new council members will be Oliver McCullough (Northern Ireland) Jonathan Garton (Wales).
Profiles of those standing will also be sent to BASC members in the March/April issue of the members’ magazine, along with voting forms. The results will be announced at the organisation’s AGM in June.
For more information about the 2015 elections and BASC council, click here.