From Shooting Times – Saturday 10 January 1931
Rabbits that don't bolt ... poaching in England vs Rhodesia .. a poor woodcock season in Scotland ... three snipe with two barrels. Just some of the news and articles enjoyed by readers of Shooting Times over 74 years ago.

“At Faversham County Petty Sessions, Walter James Fisher, of Maidstone was summoned for trespassing in pursuit of game, taking game without a licence and firing a gun within fifty feet of the centre of the road at Newnham, on October 15. Defendant pleaded guilty. Superintendent Hoare said that the wife of the gamekeeper saw a car draw up at the side of the road. A gun was fired, a pheasant was killed, and defendant entered a wood and picked up the bird. Defendant said he had been living in Rhodesia for a good many years and that sort of thing was done there. He did not realise how serious it was in this country. The magistrates imposed a fine of £2.”
“I was ferreting lately and re-discovered the old truth that rabbits won’t bolt after a wet night or if they are expecting stormy weather. Furthermore, they will go like the deuce when they do make up their minds to emerge on occasions like this and one should hold well ahead of them.” – Irish Notes
“The woodcock season in the north of Scotland could not, by any stretch of imagination be called a good one, and in most places it was a good deal below the average. There is so far no big bags anywhere in the counties of Inverness, Ross or Sutherland, and so far we have not had details of the Island bag. We have known winters when large numbers of woodcock have come after the New Year, particularly from the Continent, if the weather turned out bad there, but, as I have frequently said the time one expects the big numbers is about the November moon, and certainly they did not come in any great numbers then. The Islay figures are always good, but Raasay has not been figuring so much in the big things as it was some years ago. Quite respectable bags were obtained in parts of Ross and Sutherland, but they have often been better. We shall return to the matter later and refer to the figures.” – Scottish Notes
“Dear Sir, – The man who gets two snipe with two barrels is showing splendid aim; to get three is remarkable. While approaching some rushes in Donaghmore, Mr. Larkin saw a snipe rise on his left-hand side, and at the same time one rose on his right. Fifty yeards in front of him the birds were in the act of crossing when he fired and both fell dead. Just as the shot was fired a third snipe rose, and Mr. Larkin discharged his other barrel, killing the third snipe – Yours faithfully CO, Birmingham.”
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