GCT unveil their new name and logo

From October 1, the Game Conservancy Trust will become the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust.
To accompany the name-change, the Trust has also unveiled a new logo, which still incorporates the iconic grey partridge, but is fresh and modern and skillfully depicts this much loved farmland bird.
Commenting on the new name, Teresa Dent, the Trust’s chief executive, said: “We are all really delighted with the new name and logo, and I believe these subtle changes more accurately reflect what we do.”
“It has been a fascinating process, particularly because we carried out an extensive market research study prior to initiating any major changes.”
“Through the study, which involved more than 2,500 people, we discovered how people view and use the countryside. We were greatly reassured by the huge number of people that feel an affinity for the countryside irrespective of where they live.”
Throughout the re-branding process, the Trust was acutely aware it needed to maintain the support of its loyal members and staff.
Teresa continues: “Game remains central to our core beliefs, as does the recognition that game management plays a vital part in the wider conservation of the countryside.”
Mark Hudson, chairman of the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, is equally pleased with the name-change and said: “For some years there has been an active debate about whether our name reflects the breadth of work we do, which extends beyond game species into many aspects of wildlife, and countryside management, including research into farmland ecology, conservation of farmland birds, entomology and wildlife-friendly farming.”
“The new name and logo should help us to communicate this message more effectively and I believe this better reflects the work we have done over the past 75 years and will continue to do so in the future.”
“Also, linking game and wildlife together puts game into the right context and emphasises our view that game conservation is an integral part of nature conservation.”