League Against Cruel Sports Campaigns head arrested

A spokeswoman for Surrey Police said: “A man has been arrested on suspicion of fraud after Surrey Police received concerns regarding financial irregularities at an organisation based in Waverley.”
“The 35-year-old man from Saltash, Cornwall, has been released on bail pending further inquiries, to return to Guildford police station.”
Shortly after Taylor’s dismissal, LACS confirmed that it had passed his disciplinary papers on to the police and to the regulatory body the Charity Commission.
A LACS spokeswoman said: “The potential loss will not have a material effect upon the ability of the League to fulfil its objectives, but we do take a zero tolerance approach to any wrongdoing, and for this reason we are co-operating fully with the police in their investigations.”
“We are pleased that our systems worked well in picking this matter up, and we will do everything in our power to recover the sum concerned.”