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New membership scheme set up for women’s group

The new WWWF membership scheme will support females in the fieldsports industry.

The groundbreaking Women Who Work in Fieldsports (WWWF) group has launched its dedicated female membership scheme to provide greater support for women in an historically male-dominated industry. 

The brand-new membership includes benefits such as priority access to member-only events, monthly webinars, exclusive discounts with partner brands and access to mentorship. 

WWWF was founded in 2022 to establish a platform where women in the sector could come together, share experiences and foster a sense of community. WWWF has also launched a podcast interviewing senior women from the fieldsports sphere. 

The first guest was Paula Lester, managing and features editor at Country Life, and future guests are to include Annika Purdey and SJ Hunt, chief executive of the Country Food Trust. 

Louisa Clutterbuck, co-founder of WWWF and CEO of Eat Wild, said: “We hope that businesses will want to pay for their female staff to join WWWF as a way for them to network with other women who work in the same area. 

“Fieldsports can be incredibly isolating, but we have been overwhelmed by the engagement with our organisation already and hope that we can inspire and unite the women who work within the fieldsports community,” she added.