New ShootingUK website launched
Welcome to ShootingUK's brand new website. We've made a number of changes to this website to make it easier to find the content you want to read

Most importantly, we’ve merged the Shooting Times, Sporting Gun and Shooting Gazette websites to sit under ShootingUK. This is great for you as a user because you can find all of our content on one website, instead of having to navigate between the separate websites.
What happened to the other websites?
We’ve moved all the content from the magazine websites onto ShootingUK. If you’re interested in a particular magazine, you can see content from them by clicking on the name you’d like to see more from: Shooting Times, Sporting Gun, Shooting Gazette.
Available on mobile and tablets
We used to have a separate mobile website, but now the new website has a responsive design, which means the screen size will shrink to any device and you can read ShootingUK on the move.
Let us know what you think
We constantly strive to make your online experience the best it can be. We worked really hard to produce a website that is easier to use and looks much better, but we’d love to hear what you think. Please comment below or email with your thoughts.