Police hand back certificate plus £4,000 after appeal

A BASC member has been awarded costs of £4,000 after a successful appeal against the revocation of his firearms certificate.
Cheshire Constabulary was informed last year by BASC that costs would be sought in the event of the appeal being upheld. The judge ruled in the member’s favour, citing the fact that the case should have been resolved last year.
This outcome was reflected by the Cheshire Constabulary’s decision to concede the case prior to it coming to court.
The member’s solicitor commented that no reasonable firearms licensing authority would take the view on the available evidence presented that they should have been deprived of their certificate.
BASC’s director of firearms Bill Harriman said: “This is a prime example of BASC’s Fighting Fund in action supporting a member with a good case, and we’re delighted we’ve been able to help contest this ill-considered and risk-averse decision. Cost orders in favour of the appellant are uncommon and indicate how strong the case was.
“This whole appeal could have been avoided — the police had five months to consider conceding but left it to the last minute, causing unnecessary stress to our member,” he added.