Royal Mail gun ban attracts anger from across the globe

Outraged shooters around the world have responded in force to Royal Mail plans for a ban on the carriage of firearms and component parts.
More than 1,000 comments from shooting enthusiasts and gun traders angered by the proposals ? which were revealed exclusively by Shooting Times (News, 8 August) ? have been published on the Royal Mail website so far.
Many respondents point out that the plan would have a disproportionate and significant impact on shooting enthusiasts living in rural areas, and could put hundreds of small firearms dealers out of business.
BASC has also condemned the proposed changes to what can and cannot be carried in the mail, and says it has held ?positive? meetings with Royal Mail and post regulator Ofcom to discuss them.
Director of firearms Bill Harriman said: ?BASC?s consultation response has concluded that the case for banning the transportation of guns and their component parts has not been made.?
A decision on whether Royal Mail will press ahead with the plan is expected soon. A spokesman said: ?We are in the process of reviewing all of the responses received in relation to our firearms consultation.?
Shooters have expressed their frustrations over the
Royal Mail?s ?pointless and unfair? plans on the company?s website:
– This is a ridiculous infringement of public liberty. It will do nothing to prevent the illegal sale or transport of firearms, and will jeopardise existing businesses, putting hard-working companies to the wall.
Nick Pilgrim
– There are more than one million people who take part in shooting in the UK. Many of us live in the countryside and depend on postal systems instead of travelling long distances to take guns for repair or to buy accessories. These proposals will have a significant impact.
Nick Stewart
– It would cause huge inconvenience and extra expense for me as a firearms owner, and this would be true of all my friends also involved in the sport.
Charles Dickinson
– I really cannot see the point of not allowing someone to post a spring, a machine screw, an empty cartridge case or an antique. Am I supposed to walk to London to get these things?
C. J. Gray
– I am a gunsmith living and working in New Zealand. My business relies heavily on the ability to obtain parts from around the world for the legitimate repair and service of sporting firearms. If you press ahead with your proposal, you will destroy many businesses like mine around the world, not to mention those in Britain that supply us.
Dave Ward