Shooting still on a high despite economic recession

The 384 respondents answered two questions: ?How frequently will you be shooting this year compared with last year?? And: ?What bag size do you anticipate to be shooting this year compared with last year??
Overall, a third of those polled said that they would be shooting more this year than they were last year and nearly half said they will be shooting the same number of days as last year.
?This means that 78.4% of all respondents will be buying the same amount or more shooting than last year,? Guns on Pegs director, Chris Horne, said.
A quarter of respondents also said they will be shooting larger bags this season compared with last season.
Mr Horne added: ?These statistics make encouraging reading, given what was expected. We are now looking forward to this shooting season and will do our best to help shoots sell any remaining days that they may have through our free website.?
BASC?s David Ilsley said he was not surprised by the results: ?Though there has been plenty of talk of recession, shooting seems to be keeping its head well above water, and BASC membership is also where we thought it would be. That does not mean there is room to be complacent of course, but it is very pleasing to see that shooting is still so highly valued.?