Shooting Times magazine to reveal new look next week

The new and improved magazine will include new contributors, more shooting news, many more pages dedicated to expert advice and enhanced shoot coverage.
Shooting Times?s acting Editor, Alastair Balmain, explained: ?Since 1882, the magazine has aimed to keep shooters bang up to date with the latest news and events from the heart of the UK?s fieldsports community. From next week, we hope readers will enjoy our redesigned magazine with stronger news coverage and insiders? comment, improved feature content, many new regular columns and a far-reaching new style as well as a new Wednesday publication day.?
Alastair added: ?It?s taken us many months of development work and inside the new-look magazine there are many changes, but we haven?t done away with what makes Shooting Times so special. You will still find the leading writers on shooting and countryside matters, our outstanding photography and captivating features that help make the magazine so popular with our loyal readers. We?re very excited about the new look and hope you will be too.?