The home of Shooting Times and Sporting Gun

Rabbit with freshly made pasta

A quick and simple dish to prepare. Making your own pasta is much easier than you ever thought. Serves one or two.

rabbit with pasta

Rabbit with pasta


Meat from rabbit legs

A good strong Cheddar cheese

A little local cider




Freshly made pasta


100g of white spelt flour per person

1 egg, 2 egg yolks – beaten



Make your pasta by mixing the beaten eggs into the flour to form a smooth, pliable dough.

Rest for five minutes. Roll, shape and leave to dry on chopping board.

The easiest is to cut the pasta into 2cm wide ribbons.


Now chop the meat and season.

Put a pan of boiling water on the stove and season with salt for cooking the pasta.

In a frying pan heat a little oil and add the rabbit, you’re looking for a quick sizzle here. Deglaze quickly with a little cider then turn down the heat and add a little garlic, sage and butter, cook slowly for a minute or two then leave to rest.

Now cook the prepared pasta in the boiling water for no more than four minutes. Add a little of the pasta water to the rabbit pan and put back on a low heat, drain the pasta and add to the rabbit pan, cook for a minute or two to get the consistency right making sure the pasta is covered with the sauce, then season and serve with a little grated mature strong Cheddar.



This recipe comes courtesy of the Vale House Kitchen Venison and Game Cookery Day with Tim Maddams.